Antica eclissi nel testo astronomico ugaritico KTU 1,78

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  1. SaCraba

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    Antica eclissi solare nel testo astronomico ugaritico KTU 1,78


    btt ym hdt, hyr `rbt, sps tgrh, rsp

    btt=Sixth, sixth hour
    ym hdt = day of new moon

    Meaning an eclipse occurred in the sixth hour on the day of the new
    moon of Hiyyaru.

    rbt=enter (sexually)
    tgrh= HER gate, meaning Hathor's gate/vulva at sunrise
    Rsp=Reshep, Taurus

    Meaning the sun entered Hathor's gate in Reshep, meaning the sun rose
    in Taurus.

    The KTU 1.78 astrotext is an interesting text with its own reservations but
    all considered is likely our best reference for an "absolute" dating for the
    Egyptian timeline. "Absolute dating" only comes from astronomical texts and
    there are no critical astronomically dated events in early Egyptian history
    to anchor the timeline.

    The circumstance of this text is that it is the only astronomical text found
    at Ugarit but the surface was charred confirming it was in a fire. A fire
    at Ugarit was reported in the 12th year of Akhenaton. The nature of the
    text, which also contained a liver reading suggests it was "current" a well
    when you consider the absence of any library of astronomical texts. The
    circumstance of this particular eclipse is what might have prompted the
    liver reading since eclipses were "read" as good or bad omens for various
    nations depending upon precisely where the eclipse began (i.e. top third,
    middle, bottom third). This particular eclipse which occurred in the
    "sixth" hour (between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.) was apparently already in
    progress so precisely where the eclipse began would not have been seen,
    prompting the liver reading to find out if this was a good or bad omen for
    Ugarit. The liver reading turned out "bad".

    The question here is whether a text of this nature would have been "saved"
    for any period of time past the immediate relevancy of the eclipse itself.
    Because of this "circumstantial" factor though, it becomes a potentially
    good dating reference if this was the same/year time as that fire reported
    in year 12 of Akhenaton. The text is so specific though. The hour, day,
    month, and sun rising in "Reshep" (Egyptian reference to "Taurus" the
    "Bull/Lord of Heaven") can only be dated to 1375BCE. It is one of the most
    absolutely dated references in all of ancient history as far as astronomical
    texts go. That being the case though, dated to year 12 of Akhenaton, the
    earlier dating for Akhenaton would be absolute-dated 8 years earlier to
    begin his reign in 1386BCE. The earlier dating had his rule beginning in
    1378BCE. So this is not far from where he is already dated in this case
    other than it preferences the earlier dating than the popular later dating
    that has his rule beginning around 1351BCE.

    Reshep "Il Toro del cielo" (dio egizio di origine semitica,sposo della dea,anch' essa semitica,Qadesh)


    (....)RSP/Reshap is a reference to Mars. But as noted, a reference to a
    planet is awkward with any significance to an eclipse event,
    especially since the zodiac house is far more fundamental. So the
    question is whether or not Reshep is an appropriate reference to the
    zodiac house this eclipse occurs in, which is Taurus.

    Please understand that, indeed, Reshep could be a reference to Mars
    and still be a reference to Taurus. Gods and goddesses identified
    with both constellations as well as planets, as in the case of VIRGO,
    the virgin mother goddess also being associated with Venus. But
    given a clear-cut choice between a casual planetary association
    rather than the zodiac house of occurrence, Reshep is far more
    fundamental as a reference to TAURUS.

    It is thus after the fact when comparing the imagery of Reshep, its
    associations in the Egyptian pantheon and the general concept of the
    god in comparison to the imagery, associations and titles of Taurus
    that we find consistent overlapping. For instance, the title used
    for Reshep in Hyksos-period Egypt was "Lord of Heaven" which is the
    title of Taurus which was also "Lord of Heaven" only translated
    as "Bull of Heaven." Lord, which is Bel/Baal also means bull. So
    the precise title alone associates Reshep with the bull of heaven.

    There is also iconography of Reshep via his Syrian crown combined
    with the tassel of a bull and a bull's head in some of the Egyptian
    iconography that is a direct association between Taurus or the "Bull
    of Heaven" and Reshep as the angry god. So it would not be at all a
    surprise if at Ugarit Reshep was used as a designation of Taurus.
    Reshep was considered a bull and so there's a natural connection.(.......)

    Edited by SaCraba - 14/7/2010, 21:12



    lo scarabeo è dello stesso tipo di quelli ritrovati a cabras, con l'identico incensiere... In Sardinia esiste anche fisicamente (in arenaria o calcare) scambiato spesso per... MODELLINO DI NURAGHE. :rolleyes: :dev.gif:
  3. SaCraba

    User deleted

    :o: hai ragione Leo,ho controllato gli scarabei di Tharros e ne ho trovato uno molto simile,c'è ne sono anche con l'incensiere di cui parli

    da "Bullettino archeologico sardo" di Spano.

    Bull-headed god seated on a Winged Sphinx throne (understood by some scholars to be a Cherubbim throne), with raised hand for a benediction/blessing, staff in other hand. Incense burned before him. He wears the White crown of Pharaoh with a tassel, rather like the crown worn by the Late Bronze Age god Reshep (a Syrian war-god, whose names may mean "burning," as in fever, a god of plague).

    21/X2 Parigi, BN, 1055. Abr-Nahran 2 (1.960-1) 49, fig. 1f (Culican); RSF 4 (1976) pl. 8.2 (Culican); Babelon, pl. 5. Agata. BL, EXnb. Sfinge trono; cap nappe; scettro lancia; incensiere.

    Illustrations of Yahweh as a Syrian Stormcloud Bull-god and Egyptian Solar Golden Calf

    The Egyptian Origins of Israel's Golden Calf Worship in the Sinai

    Edited by SaCraba - 15/7/2010, 17:32

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    6.12 S. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 52; Hölbl, Sard 168; Gubel, Furn no. 59. BH;EXnb. Lion-headed deity with double crown holding spear sceptre; seated before incense-burner.
    Drawing of gem

    Cagliari 9472, from Tharros. Marmora, pl. A 35; Gubel, Furn no.146; Hölbl, Sard no. 50. Horus seated, double crown, before incense-burner. VI
    Gem image

    A bull-headed deity seated before an incense burner.
    London, ANE 134278, from Tharros. Corpus 21/2.
  5. SaCraba

    User deleted

    Reshep The Syrian War Go


    Reshep (Rahshaf, Rasap, Rashap, Resep, Reshef, Reshpu
    ) was a Syrian plague and war god whose worship in Egypt dates from around the Eighteenth Dynasty. Because of his martial skills, he was closely associated with the pharaoh in battle. Amenhotep II established a stelae near the Sphinx at Giza depicting Reshep and Astarte watch over him as he prepares his horses for war. However, he could also use his skills to protect the common people from disease. In particular, he was thought to be able to repell the "akha" demon who was thought to cause stomach pains.

    Resheph was often considered to be the husband of Qadesh (another goddess imported from Syria) and the father of Min. However, he is also described as the husband of Itum in connection with his power to control disease. He was linked to Set because they were both associated with the antelope, but he was also associated with the Theban war god Montu. The Greeks associated him with Apollo and to the Vedic Rudra. He was also associated with the Babylonian death god Nergal and ocassionally with Mars (again because of the military connection).

    He was known thoughout the ancient near east and Egypt as Reshep-Shulman. However, he also had specific epithets in different locations. The Phoenicians referred to him as "Reshep gen" (Resheph of the Garden) and "bal chtz"('lord of the arrow') while the Hittites described him as a "deer god" or "gazelle god". In Egypt he was known as "Lord of the Sky" or "Lord of Eternity" and an area of the Nile valley was renamed the "Valley of Reshep". It is thought that his name originally derived from the hebrew for "flame" or "plague". Reshep was depicted as a man with a Syrian style beard brandishing a mace or axe above his head. He generally wears the crown of Upper Egypt with the addition of a gazelle skull at the front and a ribbon at the back.

    (Eighteenth Dynasty-XVIII dinastia d'Egitto 1550 ca-c.1292 a.C.)

    Edited by SaCraba - 15/7/2010, 18:17


    Vivo a Bologna

    CITAZIONE (SaCraba @ 15/7/2010, 17:13)
    :o: hai ragione Leo,ho controllato gli scarabei di Tharros e ne ho trovato uno molto simile,c'è ne sono anche con l'incensiere di cui parli


    Visto che noi siamo bravi ......... :P :D :D


    Quello di sinistra, ora conservato al London Museum (no. 376. Gubel, no. 18) viene nientemeno che da Tharros (BM ANE 133689) :o:




    A pagina 142 di "SHARDANA i Popoli del Mare" ve ne sono diversi con l'incensiere... molto simili. ;)
  8. SaCraba

    User deleted

    Elsa ^_^ sapevo che questi post ti sarebbero piaciuti...

    :o: picciokkusu..siamo fuori tema,questa è la sezione -_- archeoastronomia!! conteniamoci per favore.. :lol:

    mi interessava evidenziare il dio egizio-semitico Reshep perchè credo che sia legato alla dea raffigurata nella placchetta d'oro ritrovata nel relitto di Uluburun.. :blink: ma non ho idea di come esporre la cosa..

    parlo di questa dea
    CITAZIONE (SaCraba @ 5/7/2010, 21:36)
    Pendant with Nude Female, Gold,Uluburun shipwreck, Late Bronze Age, ca. 1300 B.C., Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology, Turkey, Photo: Bruce White.
    Gold pendant,
    possibly Astarte. Ugarit. 1500-1200/1150 BCE


    KTU 1.78 dates Akhenaton/Exodus to 1386BCE

    (....)a more responsible reading for this reference would simply be the
    particulars of an eclipse event that occurred between 5am and 6am with the
    sun rising in Taurus.

    If we presume that perhaps the surface of this text was charred because the
    text was out either drying or perhaps on some table under current
    consideration and the fire that caused this was the same one mentioned to
    Akhenaton in his 12th year, which is reasonable though not the only
    explanation, then you potentially have a circumstantial marker for the 12th
    of Akhenaton in the only eclipse date possible which is 1375BCE. This is the
    year an ecilpse occurred during sunrise between 5am and 6am and the only
    eclipse that does so.

    Based upon the SBT (strict Biblical timeline) which uses extensive Biblical
    reference for a timeline that ignores all conflicting extra-Biblical
    references (ala "The Romance of Biblical Chronology" by Martin Anstey), the
    Exodus is dated to 1386BCE based upon the 19th jubilee from 455BCE which
    dates the 1st of Cyrus (Martin Anstey proposed that the Persian Period was
    82 years too long, 357BCE455BCE for first of Cyrus). Jubilees are every 49
    years; 49 x 19=931+455=1386). This means that Akhenaton's first year
    (1375+11=1386BC) falls at the time of the Exodus. Considering this and
    placing Akhenaton in the context of the king that ruled after the Exodus we
    note a few interesting things.

    1. He was not the first-born son, so would not have died.

    2. He dismissed all the gods of Egypt as "worthless" which was part of the
    intent of the ten plagues. One of the Ten Commandments required outlawing
    the worship of any other gods.

    3. He focussed on a new, single god, represented by light but refused to
    make an image of the god, which was one of the ten commandments, not to make
    an image of YHWH.

    4. Akhenaton had a phobi of darkness, but not simple darkness, complete
    darkness in the absence of artificial light. Night is not that fearful if
    you have a torch so why the panic? During the three days of darkness though,
    no artificial light was possible so it was total darkness which is a basis
    for the fear factor of being in the dark without any light that Akhenaton
    wrote about and thus focussed on Aten being a God of light versus darkness.

    5. Further, the usual dating for Akhenaton is around this general time
    period anyway and he would have become along with his father Amenhotep III
    the pharoahsof the Exodus with the Biblical timeline dating the Exodus in
    1386BCE. The eclipse only improves his chronology by moving his first year
    by a mere 8 years.


    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (SaCraba @ 15/7/2010, 19:40)
    :o: picciokkusu..siamo fuori tema,questa è la sezione -_- archeoastronomia!! conteniamoci per favore.. :lol:

    giusto Craby.................hai ragione.............basta postare sigilli ooooooooohhhhhh
    dov'è quello scemo del moderatore!!

    <_< ops
    sono io :blink:

    ragazzi continuate :shifty: :shifty: :woot:



    la placchetta di ULUBURUN è sconcertante, perchè raffigura una DEA EGIZIA in forma di STROZZATRICE! :o: ...
    CHI o COSA era il collante fra queste culture che ci hanno spacciato per DIVERSE? :rolleyes:
  11. vivamishapt

    User deleted

    Ma questa non c'entra proprio niente?

  12. SaCraba

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (shardanaleo @ 16/7/2010, 07:53)
    la placchetta di ULUBURUN è sconcertante, perchè raffigura una DEA EGIZIA in forma di STROZZATRICE! :o: ...
    CHI o COSA era il collante fra queste culture che ci hanno spacciato per DIVERSE? :rolleyes:

    sai dirmi quale dea egizia rappresenta? si tratta per caso di Quadesh/Kadesh,consorte del dio semitico Reshep?

    ps: <_< non si chiama "strozzatrice" ma "La Signora degli animali"



    LA SIGNORA (strozzatrice) DEGLI ANIMALI... :rolleyes:
    non ho idea.. di questa. Ve ne era un'altra simile che ho identificato nella DEA KANANEA LILLITH, anche se inizialmente mi era sembratta INANNA/ISHTAR... ma ha i piedi di "arpia"... :rolleyes:
  14. SaCraba

    User deleted

    credo proprio che si tratti della dea cananea Kadesh introdotta nella religione egizia nella 16/18° dinastia insieme a suo "marito" Reshap, dio siriano della guerra.A Ugarit era adorata sotto il nome di Anath/Asherah /Athirat ,è la consorte del dio El,prima del 1200 aC, nei testi ugaritici è chiamata anche "colei che calpesta il mare"...

    ma che centra Ugarit con il relitto di Uluburun? :wacko:

    nella 16/18° dinastia egizia che cosa succede,come mai vengono introdotte queste due divinità semitiche? mi fai un riassuntino basilare.. giusto per provare a capirci qualcosa :blink:???

    Edited by SaCraba - 18/7/2010, 19:49
  15. SaCraba

    User deleted

    ecco qui la dea

    Min -Qadesh - Reshep


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